Truly speaking, to fulfill Her own desire to descend on earth, Ma Dakshina Kali first sent Paramahansa Ramakrishna, and further to complete the Mission, Swami Vivekananda was send. The forces of Nature, in unison with God’s command, always make these arrangements beforehand, to assist the purpose of incarnation of Divine Beings, Saints and Religious renaissance. Common people are totally unaware of such matters. It takes years to grasp the true reason behind such events that unfold gradually.
When Lord Krishna was delivering the sermon of Bhagvad Gita to Arjuna in Kurukshetra, Duryodhana thought that Arjuna’s Party was planning to flee. In the war of Mahabharata, thousands of people were standing on the war grounds, but none could gain the knowledge of Bhagvad Gita.

Ma Bhagawati, The Divine Mother, has descended in her ferocious form, appearing as Ma Baglamukhi on the grounds of Mira Road, situated in the state of Maharashtra in India. There is no other place or Ashram in the world today, which can even be compared to the Divine Energy presiding in this Shakti Peetha.
Day by day, the Shakti Peetha is becoming more energetic and this energy is gradually spreading everywhere. All the devotees and sadhakas (tantrik practitioners) who frequent this place have experienced this phenomenon. Many people have had the vision of Ma walking in Her Personal Form in the ashram grounds. Many people saw Her in their meditations, while many others see Her in the Sacrificial Fire of the Havan Kund.
On the 11th lunar day of the dark fortnight, or Krishna Ekadashi, in the month of Bhadrapada, the sixth month of the Hindu calendar, Ma appeared to many devotees at Shri Raj Rajeshwari Siddha Shakti Peetha and gave a Divine Promise, saying “I will definitely fulfill the desires of all the devotees who visit this place with a pure mind, but they should follow these instructions."
1. The Devotees must enclose their wishlist in a yellow cloth and tie it into a ‘Knot’ and put it in a designated place in the ashram.
2. They should also tie a bell along with the yellow cloth.
3. They should then perform ceremonial rites, which include fasting and japa for designated time period.
4. Even though My Energy will be present at all times in the Ashram, but Thursdays will be my special day.
5. My favorite day will be Full Moon Day.
After the fulfillment of their desires, the devotees should come back on the ashram grounds, and after having My ‘darshan,’ seeing Me in the deity form, they should untie the ‘Knot Of the Yellow Cloth’. Whosoever will surrender unto Me with full faith, remembering Me and fixing their thoughts on Me, offer fire oblations regularly, surely, I will liberate such a devotee.”
Ma Baglamukhi is the Supreme Goddess who pervades in Kaliyuga as a tremendous force that can annihilate all the evil forces, remove all deadly diseases and sins. She provides her devotees with everlasting wealth, provisions, good health, strength, prosperity and unending bliss & happiness.
Lord Shiva has mentioned clearly in the Books of Tantra that Baglamukhi is the “Greatest Force of Kaliyuga”. The time has come when the world will start recognizing this Force. People, who are exhausted and fed up with the never-ending challenges of their lives, should not feel frustrated anymore. All that is needed to make life enjoyable again, is to give up everything and surrender at the Lotus Feet of Divine Mother Baglamukhi. Keep chanting “Trahi maam, Trahi maam”, which means “Help Me, Help Me” and let your appeal reach the ears of Divine Mother.
Ma is already sitting to bless and remove the sufferings of her children, then how can she ignore your appeal. Everything will happen as per your desire, only if you strengthen your ray of hope, faith, trust, patience and devotion towards Divine Mother. All the problems of your life will surely vanish away, peace reestablished, and you will live happily, forever and ever.
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